Solutions: Synergy Bubbles Social Experiment.
SYMBÉS P&L: -61.3 (≃ -546 USD)
A collective of projects with a shared vision to promote symbiotic creativity rather than solo creativity.
You can join our collective, simply make a comment on this page.
Operational details
Instinto Creador in Argentina KOKONO in Ireland
On Telegram discussing the application details (art, pricing, info) to submit on Airtable and feedback loops about the art submitted (the video) with Ruta
☑️ Stitching our 6 previously recorded videos into one, on 2.5x speed and removing unwanted parts
☑️ Feedback chats with Malü about the video and overal submission
☑️ Reducing the size of the video to fit less than 300mb goal
☑️ Updated a website with our projects portfolio.
☑️ Registered domain for our creative collective.
☑️ Installed and configured a wp app in a coming soon mode.
☑️ Created that forwards to our individual emails, and ruta@ and malu@ that forward to our individual emails.
Test trials with Malü multiple times to squeeze a chaos experience into 9 mins allocated time.
Presenting at the Miami Art Week, online, through Zoom.
Co-hosted a workshop at IAM conference online
Co-hosted a workshop at IAM conference online
Synthesise feedback from test workshop and update a workshop setup on Miro for 18th
Find 4-6 friends who would connect for a test workshop Zoom
Set up Miro - experience track to reflect a "Butterfly Effect" journey in pairs
Created visual slides about the workshop background story to be used at the conference
☑️ Updated Miro with new minimal setup and moved the previous Miro setup in our other shared board [0.5]
☑️ Saved all feedback into this document for a future reference, together with screenshots of how tested experience looked like [0.5]
☑️ Synthesised testers feedback and discussed with Malu over Telegram voice, agreed on simplified experienced [0.5]
☑️ Test Workshop call on Zoom [1.5]
☑️ Test Workshop call preparation with Malu [1]
☑️ Editing the final bits for Miro setup and sending Zoom link to all testers [1]
☑️ Looking for user testers - posted on Capra Course, Capra Alumni on Facebook, my own Facebook wall, asked 2 friends on chats, posted on o2oo - 6 confirmed to join, 4 joined [1.5]
☑️ Test Workshop call on Zoom [1.5]
☑️ Test Workshop call preparation with Ruta [1]
I trimmed a shared zoom video recording into five videos and uploaded them to youtube unlisted setting for embedding elsewhere
We recorded a zoom with backgrounds about 5 activities to be used in courses
Together we recorded 5 videos as one recording on Zoom about five different activities; playing with green screen backgrounds and my green dress to reflect the background
We mapped the story of the workshop against activities, created each activity, confirmed the next steps
We mapped the main structure of the workshop against activities, discussed each activity in detail and refined, confirmed the next steps: setting up miro, testing miro, finding testers and overall experience
Just before sleep I imagined the main idea of the workshop based on our story, how two bubbles become one butterfly, and it sparks butterfly effects in society, when people are not afraid of interacting with strangers
Together we created a new Miro account and a board for our workshop, downloading from our minds what is our intention for a workshop, key questions, ideas for activities, rules, and a core workshop structure, the key activity to be created soon
Together we created a new Miro account and a board for our workshop, downloading from our minds what is our intention for a workshop, key questions, ideas for activities, rules, and a core workshop structure, the key activity to be created soon
Malu and Ruta co-created a concept of an online learning experience that matches people into intimate learning pods of 2 where students go through a process of seeing commonality and creating together
Ruta and Malu co-created a concept of an online learning experience that matches people into intimate learning pods of 2 where students go through a process of seeing commonality and creating together.
Ruta also transferred texts from Telegram to Miro and organised info for easy access later.
Tidying our shared Miro board with notes from our collaboration calls for a bit more clear structure, so that it's easy for everyone to understand it
A virtual space for collaboration
Symbés are back! Our symbiotic art will be at SDGs showcase with Doingud soon! Learning about NFTs too, lol. Stay tuned.
((And it seems that SYMBÉS are in fact capturing its identity as a symbiotic immersive art collective, other things will probably stay in our other projects such as Instinto Creador and KOKONO.))
Hey hey, so our workshop test happened! And here is feedback from workshop test with 7 people (4 pairs):
“I’d like to stay in the first 3 exercises [of Bacterias in Chaos] longer, like for 30mins! they were fun! nice way to bond, breaking barriers, before the big things, laughing at another person you dont know, then deep things! and then flying! a sensation of creating something, like music, together. from the surface to deep-ness!”
“beautiful journey” x2
“video were so useful, without it, it would be hard to understand exercises”
MIRO: “for people new to Miro, Miro is hard”
INSTRUCTIONS: “without facilitator explaining the first exercise [Greetings + Butterfly Effects], it’s hard to understand what to do!”
“for the first exercise, [Butterfly Effects] 3mins is way not enough time!”
“we did not understand what to do in the first two circles.. that we needed to click on those sticky notes and add our interests there..”
“we did not understand if we need to make a butterfly from the first two circles or what?”, “we did not understand that two circles are butterfly wings… “, “what’s that green sticky in the middle?”
CHAOS Activity:
1 pair: “we did it, just by reading instructions. 25mins was enough time”
2 pair: “plenty of time, we even had time left to chat”, “interesting, pretty well, but we wondered what was the point?”
3 pair: “not enough time to do the last 1min activity, cause we dived deep into Chaos main activity for long time!” [Ruta: lets add 3mins extra?], “leave this big activity for the end, because people can go deep into this one”, “waving hands.. playful! we would start creating something crazy soon! would be cool to see activity expanded..”, “really like it, reminded me a retreat experience, just there after “so what” they say “thank you””
rethink Miro icebreaker
add more time to Butterfly Effects activity (from 3 to 7mins?) and create a video instructions, better text instructions and hand-drawn shapes
add 3mins extra for Chaos exercise
definitely facilitator should explain the exercises before opening Breakouts
make videos faster
co-creation exercise after Chaos!
add a contact form for matching participants after?
UPDATE: we got more feedback, so here's one document with all feedback and screenshots of how our experience looked like during a test!
I'm very curious what has been recorded in the zoom call. Any chance you will edit it and publish the most interesting element of it?
:) The linked result only contains the image of uploading it to YouTube, registering a result without the content kinda pointless, It would be much more fun to get to know more, something like a report on it.
What to bring to test workshop session this Saturday 5pm UTC:
join on computer,
a public Miro board will be shared for use during the session,
bring in a glass of water,
everyone will be asked to turn on the camera for the duration of the workshop (but don't worry, we'll have a fun hack of Zoom system to make sure everyone is comforable to be on video :) )
see you Saturday 5pm UTC!
[Mindey] I'm so happy you'd join us for this test workshop! Saturday seem to work better for friends on pacific time zone. I know you're now on Japanese time zone. I'm wondering how to juggle all the time zones on the planet Earth :) there will be 4-6 people attending - important to know availability before the workshop, because we're testing how people will experience our workshop in pairs, so if 4 friends join the test, 2 pairs will be formed to experience the workshop, and if 2 friends join the test, only one pair will be formed. if 3 people join, still 1 pair will be formed.
overall, I suggest Saturday 5pm UTC, I hope you're awake by then [Mindey]!
and everyone else is welcome to join, just comment here or message me on Telegram :)
A calendar link is right here
Why not, perhaps you've got a calendar link? :)
Challenge: looking for testers! This Friday 5pm UTC , for 1 hour, testing a workshop on Zoom. Who would like to participate and provide feedback?
For a workshop, we're imagining how could participants mimic bacteria - be without a brain and sense through a body. Key question is: how would a bacteria experience a symbiosis, a process of going from chaos to emergence to a whole that is bigger than its parts (which is the journey of creativity we want our participants to learn)?
Me & [malü] are hosting a workshop on Symbiotic Creativity at I Am Internet conference yay :)
Our Workshop, Online, Nov 18th, 2021 Symbiotic Creativity workshop on Zoom matches people for 1 hour to blend diversity and experience Intercitizenships! Participants experiment with identity and learn to mimic the behaviours of living systems: symbiotic bacterias. In groups of two, participants evolve to Synergy through a creative symbiosis process. People are invited to continue co-creating after the IAM conference through new technologies!
I envision this collective becoming an Ecosystem of Organisations mentioned by [malü].
Synthesing as I type this:
As a collective we unite professionals and businesses who want to help people in the world to realise true potentials through collaborative creativity.
Our mission could be to advance human development tools and promote symbiotic creativity as a process for human development.
Human development includes all aspects of personal growth, from nutrition to exercise, biohacking, spirituality, creativity as a mental activity, ... and the latest research done on the link of gut health and mental health, the benefits of social activities for wellbeing and longevity, and more. To sum up, seeing creativity as a healthy output out of human development activities (input).
Our core activity could be to facilitate knowledge exchange between members through hands-on co-creation experiences.
We could operate as a volunteer run membership based organisation (like various nonprofit organisations do, e.g.JCI, Toastmasters, Open Knowledge Foundation, etc). The difference is, in SYMBES our members come together online to exchange the latest tools for human development and to advance their creative abilities. This happens when members attend small "co-creation experiences" online.
This is a draft obviously! Editions welcome.
What's new?
With [malü] we formed a partnership to work together on creating an ecosystem of organisations that provide a creativity training across different locations in the world and to have a different website (and a business registration) in each location: KOKONO ("") in Ireland/Europe, Instinto Creador in Argentina/South America, X in Lithuania.
We're committed to be open organisations and share our process here. If anyone seeing this page would like to collaborate with us and to pursue our mission together, just make a comment here. :)
In Ireland, KOKONO LTD will also offer exciting services for organisations under ""
Fantastic updates coming soon :)