



它默默地在不到2立方的空间里近距离观察你,即使只有几十秒的时间也让人浑身不自在吧?与其让在暗处的不知道谁来收集你每天上下班的时候的微表情,小动作,不如把你要表达的大字体写出来(我假设该摄像头只手机视频不收集声音)。 第一天:发现了地球的氧吸收谱线。第二天:地球上有把光转变成氧气的东西(植物?)。第三天:地球上有消耗这些氧气的生物。第四天:地球上的二氧化碳不能达到化学平衡。第五天:地球没有智慧生物。 一个工作周结束。休息一下。


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Well, let's think: where does the data collected in the elevators go? What data processing does go through? That can indicate, what kind of effects one can expect to achieve through data inputs there.

Is the ubiquitous CCTV installed in public areas with public consent? Who is collecting the data? Where did the collected data go? Who can use this data? The answers to these questions should be made public by the organization that installed the CCTV, or they should be publicly consulted for everyone’s consent before installation.

Yeah, but that's already outside of the scope of the idea. To discuss that, it would merit creating a question, like "Privacy and Safety in Public Spaces," and discuss it there.

Perhaps, we could have masks with LED screens, and voice recognition, like gethushme.com, where you whisper, and the mask speaks for you :) Or, you could program something to say in advance.