Funding-Work-Revenue cross dependency
To get something created and sustainable you need money and customers, to get customers you need something created. To get something created you need worker. To get funding you need something you're going to create. It's such a vicious cycle that has no obvious opening. If people could get together to create a product, they could all profit in excess of a salary.
I am looking for arrangements that are mutually beneficial to workers and capital owners.
The funny thing about workers is that they pay their own bills AND the bills of the employer (assuming a company is cash flow positive), whereas the employer only puts up an initial set of funding, which gets expired, and they rely on workers for income, so why do capital owners get paid again and again for the same funding but workers don't?
The problem with minimum pay is the Iron Law of Wages is that everything leads to 0 over time. Imagine a flexible pricing system where the pricing is set to set a minimum break even for the supplier
Gitlab is archiving dormant GitLab projects. and was a site I did use for finding new open source projects. Unfortunately they stopped updating the site. And we're replaced by
The problem is universal. For someone to keep doing something for someone else, there needs to be some return. The free lunch doesn't last forever.
In my opinion the cross missing the most critical point, which is time. Time is required to create a basis for every project and sadly it's the most scarce resource of all. Funders will ask for a MVP (minimum viable product) for funding. Unless you have time to create a MVP you will have no chance from the beginning. And only after MVP the cycle can start.
[thekhan], Well, that's exactly the problem that we want to solve: to enable people with an idea, that makes logical sense, to start working on it, and get funded for doing it from the moment when it: